Backtomyfuture’s Weblog

Just another weblog

12 New Year’s Resolutions December 30, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — backtomyfuture @ 10:40 pm

12. Get my kid’s in bed before 10 p.m. ……. every so often.

11. To kiss my husband every day before he leaves for work.

10. Pull my baby  into bed with me whenever she wakes up in the middle of the night and relish her “squishiness factor.”

9. Actually finish that half-marathon I signed up for…

8. Laugh to myself every time my oldest daughter changes her outfit and hairdo 6 times before lunch.

7. Stop bad mouthing Tiger Woods.

6.  Eat more ice cream because eating less just seems impossible.

5. Wear rose colored glasses more often than not.

4. Continue to wrangle my boys and kiss them uncontrollably even though they pretend they just don’t like it because I know they really do.

3. Never again drive my minivan into the side my house. (Well, at least for this year- I mean, let’s not push it!)

2. Celebrate every holiday (even Martin Luther King Day) with as much gusto and glitter as humanly possible.

And #1 on my list of New Year’s Resolutions …. drum roll, please ….

1. To be the best Pokemon trainer this world has ever seen! Ok, I stole this from someone else (whose name happens to rhyme with Conas) but I figure it couldn’t hurt to be the best at SOMETHING.

Here’s to a Happy New Year!!


One Response to “12 New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. Megan Says:

    Personally, I like #3. Now if only Brian could make it his resolution to not run the van into gas station pumps we’d be good.

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