Backtomyfuture’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Splish splash the kid’s were taking a bath … December 29, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — backtomyfuture @ 5:26 am

Bath time is actually one of my favorite times of the day. The kids love it and I get to soak my feet as I watch them play/fight/splash.

It was especially entertaining to watch tonight because I pulled out the shaving kits we had included in our boys Christmas stockings and let them go to town. (They were FAKE shaving kits of course… what kind of mother do you think I am?)

Of course they all had to get in on the action some how- even the girls. What was so amusing to me is what they each ending up doing with that play shaving kit. Jonas shaved his pits, Kate attempted to get rid of an imaginary 5 o’clock shadow, Rachael threw herself out of her baby tub in an attempt to get her hands (and teeth) on a can of shaving cream and Drew, well Drew is actually still quite afraid of razors (pretend or not) after a not so fun incident he had with one a few months back- so he just put lots shaving cream in his hair.

I hope these days never end … which is why I will probably end up rivaling Michelle Duggar.


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